How to Use Roomba Without WiFi: Tips and Troubleshooting

Are you tired of relying on WiFi to use your Roomba? Maybe you have a spotty connection or simply don’t want to connect your cleaning device to the internet.

Whatever the reason may be, using Roomba without WiFi is possible.

In this article, we’ll share tips and troubleshooting advice for getting the most out of your Roomba even when it’s not connected to the internet.

How to Use Roomba Without WiFi

Using Roomba without WiFi is a simple process that requires just a few steps.

Make sure your Roomba is fully charged and ready to go. Then, turn on the device by pressing the “clean” button on the top of the robot vacuum.

Next, select your desired cleaning mode by pressing either “clean,” “spot,” or “edge”, depending on what you want Roomba to clean.

If needed, you can adjust the settings for things like suction power and scheduling.

After you’ve set these basic preferences, simply place Roomba in the area you want it to clean and let it go. The device will navigate around obstacles using built-in sensors and automatically mop your floors without an internet connection.

One important thing to remember when using Roomba without WiFi is that you won’t be able to use any of its advanced features like voice control or app connectivity.

However, these features aren’t necessary for many users as Roomba works perfectly fine as a standalone cleaning device even without an internet connection.

Troubleshooting for When Roomba Does Not Work Without WiFi

When using Roomba without WiFi, a few common issues may arise. One of the most common problems is when the device fails to start or complete a cleaning cycle. This could be due to factors such as low battery levels, clogged brushes or faulty sensors.

To troubleshoot this issue, ensure your Roomba is charged fully before initiating cleaning cycles.

If it still fails to work, check for any clogs in the brushes and clean them out thoroughly. You can also try resetting your Roomba by pressing the CLEAN button until it resets.

Another possible issue with using Roomba without WiFi is connectivity errors between it and its virtual wall barriers or docking station.

To solve this problem, ensure no obstructions are blocking communication between these devices and their respective sensors on your Roomba.

If you continue having problems with your device after implementing all of these troubleshooting tips, consider contacting iRobot customer support for additional assistance in resolving the issue.


Q: Do I need WiFi to set up my Roomba?

A: You do not need WiFi to set up your Roomba. You can manually program it using the buttons on the device.

Q: Can I control my Roomba without WiFi?

A: Yes, you can control your Roomba manually using the buttons on the device or by setting a cleaning schedule through its programming mode.

Q: Will my Roomba still clean if it loses connection to WiFi during a cleaning cycle?

A: Yes, your Roomba will continue with its current cleaning cycle even if it loses connection to WiFi. However, you won’t be able to remotely start or stop the cleaning process until it regains connectivity.

Q: Can I use voice assistants like Alexa or Google Home to control my non-WiFi-enabled Roomba?

A: No, voice assistants require a network connection to communicate with devices such as your Roomba. If your robot vacuum doesn’t have built-in Wi-Fi capabilities, then this isn’t an option for controlling it hands-free.


Using a Roomba without WiFi may initially seem daunting, but it is entirely doable. With the tips and troubleshooting techniques outlined in this article, you can confidently use your Roomba even when there’s no WiFi available.


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